RoleCall Theatre/Ponce City Market
RoleCall Theatre/Ponce City Market
Atlanta, Georgia 30308
United States


Dysfunctional Dating
Tru Heart is single and not loving it, with hopes of bringing an awkward Jewish guy home for Christmas, but when he’s too shy to make a move, her fantasies take over.
Mini Synopsis:
Tru Heart is thirty-five, single and not loving it, with just a month to find a good man to bring home for Christmas dinner, after lying to her Grandma about not being alone anymore. Old-fashioned in her style and values, online dating is not for her, so she fantasizes about coffee house Daniel asking her out, but when this awkward Jewish guy is too shy to make a move, she finds a way for them to be together, under the most unusual circumstances.


Unequally Yoked Christmas


Looking For Mr. Right