I Am The Warrior

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Best Sketch - Made in the US to make us laugh and one "lucky" international sketch
In this virtual screening are all the actors nominated for Best Actor that aren't also in another screening block.
The other Best Actor (Male) nominees are:
Nick Conti in AAi-Ron
Danny Glenn in IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEAD!
Jon Heus in Boss of the Toss
Matt Webb in No Chance
E. James Ford in Farmer Ed
The Best Actor (Female) nominees are
Jessica Saul in The Unfluencers
Annie Pisapia in Who's Annie?
Ava Davis in Could This Have Been An Email
Angela Cole in Boss of the Toss
Jessica Lyle in No Chance
Sarah Stephens in Freddy Comes
Mia Shauffler in Qualye
Samantha Nugent in Farmer Ed
Congratulations to all the nominees! On Sunday evening, Oct 8th, who will hear, "And the Golden Pitcher goes to ... "
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