A fun category where "learning" meets laughing. These selections are all vying for The Golden Pitcher for Best Mockumentary.
Michael recently quit his full-time job to become an actor. In order to afford his apartment, he must find a roommate. A team of documentary filmmakers have decided to film his adventure. They are soon going to realise that Michael is looking for more than just a roommate. He’s searching for a best friend. That’s why Michael is willing to dress up and even to test his potential
Inspired by the unsuccessful experimental Broadway shows of the 1970s, singer-songwriter Julian Velard has written a musical about his own life. A born Manhattanite living in Queens with a wife and child, Velard has quit the music business for the stable world of musical theater. Joined by his co-writer and fellow dad Mark from the Park, Velard presents his disasterpiece
Joshua is the son of a pastor. His father asked him to give a tour of their church. Joshua knows nothing about religion. He's... he's not good at this.
In a single night, 492 out of 500 people disappeared from a prosperous city on the outskirts of the Wasteland. Ten years later, documentary filmmakers arrived to find out what had happened. They start a dangerous game that reaches into the highest political circles, opens old wounds and, above all, turns the spiral of infinite human stupidity.
Take your love of antique, flea market and auction shows, mix in equal parts Monty Python, The Office, and Airplane, leave it in a storage shed for years until you die and nephews you hate inherit it and VOILA! Clutter Luck!
Six former child stars move their support meeting to Zoom. Along with dealing with the virus, they also have to put up with a stalker Debbie From Tarzana, who seems to find a way to hack into all of their meetings. They also do their best to continue to support each other while meeting virtually.
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