Because love should lead to laughs.
Loveseat is a romantic comedy that follows the relationship between Eric and Layla, a newly engaged couple. They aren't the happy, in-love couple you'd expect to see. Instead, they find themselves recounting different versions of the same party to an unbiased third party.
#richieneedsawife is a comedy that exposes the absurdities of modern love. The stage is set in the home of an older couple as they navigate the world of online dating on behalf of their romantically dysfunctional middle-aged son.
Julie knows exactly how her perfect wedding should feel. No one else in the wedding party has the same idea. What could go wrong?
Turns out marriage isn't always forever and Prince Charming might just be a myth. In fact, according to the American Psychological Association 40-50% of married couples in the US divorce. FU very much Disney and every rom-com ever written. Like many of you, I bought into the fairy-tale. But, at the higher end of 40, and after 15 years of marriage, I find myself suddendly single
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